5 After Sun Care Tips that will definitely Bounce Back your Skin to its Lovely Condition

Summer is one of the most fun seasons. It is during this time that we can go out and enjoy outdoor adventures with our friends and family. Camping in the mountains, if you are not a beach bum is a great alternative outdoor activity with your family. And of course, water sports can definitely bring out the best times of your life.These activities can put a toll on your skin as the skin is exposed to all kinds of elements. But it shouldn’t stop you from enjoying. Here are 7 after sun care tips that I will share to make sure your skin will not suffer for long.

After Sun Care Tip # 1 –  Frequenty splash on cool hydrating mists 

It will be nice if you can keep your hydrating mist in a cooler and keep it at arms lenght for quick splashing of cool, refreshing hydration. Whatever brand of hydrating mist you choose, make sure that you keep is cool and available. One active ingredient to look for is aloe vera because it is naturally soothing and traditionally used to relieve burn.

Tip # 2 – Keep hydrated

Drink plenty of water or fruit juices to keep your skin hydrated. Opt for refreshing coolers like watermelon or melon since these have high water content. It is also good to take these while getting exposed to the sun and even during the evening to get enough replenishment.

Tip # 3 –  Cool down

As soon as you get home take a cool shower. The salt water or chlorine particles found in pool water can magnify the sun’s rays, which in effect cause dehydration to your skin. By taking a quick cool shower, it will help cool the skin down in an instant.

Sun Care Tip # 4 – Moisturize immediately

As soon as you cool down with a cool shower, moisturize immediately. Put lotion preferrably with nourishing aloe and vitamin C because it has properties to help restore skin’s natural moisture. You also need to apply facial moisturizer as well as lip balm to keep your lips from suffering chapping.

Tip # 5 – Avoid scratching

Getting sunburned can cause dryness. One of the most common experience, especially among children is itching. And if you opted to go on camping, bug bite is a sure result. Scratching the itch can lead to inflammation and scratch. Make sure to pack soothing preparation that contains cucumber, aloe vera and green tea.

Tip # 5 – Nourish from within

It is not enough that you nourish the skin from the outside. More importantly is to nourish from within and this means eating lots of fruits and vegetables packed with all the goodness of vitamins and phytochemicals. 

Finally, Tip # 6 – Use an After Sun Care Product

There are certain products that are specially formulated to aid the skin recovery quickly from sunburn. These products are also packed with ingredients that helps the skin replenish lost moisture and restore skin condition. You can also opt for after sun care home remedies, which are easly available in your cupboard. 

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Next time you go out in the sun and feel that you might have gotten excited and extended your usual sun exposure, keep these tips in mind. You’ll never know when these can come handy.



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