What are the Risk Factors of Getting Jock Itch?

What are the Risk Factors of Getting Jock Itch?

jock itch

There is nothing more embarrassing than having an itch that you desperately need to scratch in a personal place.

How do you recognize a jock itch?

In the early stages of jock itch, you will see red patches or an inflamed area on the skin near the crease of the groin. It then spreads onto the upper thigh and at the border of the rash a line of small red blisters may develop. These rashes may often itch or burn and the skin may appear flaky or scaly.

What are the top risk factors for getting jock itch?

There are many risk factors involved with getting jock itch and you will probably be surprised to learn that most of them are really very simple and easy to prevent. It can be categorized to into 3 basic concerns: hygiene, environment and health.

So, what are the top risks that you need to avoid in order to prevent getting jock itch?

The source of infection is the top risk factor in getting the disease. By getting in contact with the fungi or source, you can easily contract the infection. It easily spreads and propagates through the skin pores. So if you have athlete’s foot, make sure to wash your hands carefully after touching your feet before touching your groin area or other parts of the body in order to prevent the infection from spreading.

Heat and humidity are two of the environmental factors that easily encourage the multiplication of fungi. So, after exercising or coming from the gym or from playing sport make sure to change your clothes right away. By keeping these on for a prolonged period of time, this situation can easily encourage the overgrowth of fungi.

Wearing tight undergarments that are made from synthetic materials is also considered as a risk factor in developing jock itch.

Being overweight can also be a risk factor as overweight individuals easily sweat, even profusely at times. Because of this condition, damp moist skin under the creases of the skin lend a very favorable environment for fungal overgrowth, which can easily lead to fungal infection.

Getting familiar with the risk factors is a step ahead when helping to prevent the development of jock itch. There are times when we put so much effort into avoiding the risk factors, but this condition may still develop. There is no reason to be concerned. It is very easy to treat and there are tons of jock itch remedy options. To learn about your antifungal options, you can visit our website. We also wrote a blog which you might be interested in about the top 5 Jock Itchy Products that sell really well in store.


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