How Do Teeth Stain?

How Do Teeth Stain?

Teeth Stain

Why is it important to keep your teeth clean?

  1. It helps to maintain your overall health. Recent studies have linked some diseases (i.e. heart disease and stroke) to oral health
  2. To help prevent gum disease since this is mainly caused by a buildup of plaque
  3. To help prevent bad breath
  4. The longer you leave cavities and plaque, the more it will destroy your teeth.
  5. So you can have a brighter smile, by not practicing good oral hygiene it can cause stained teeth.


What are some common types of teeth discolourations and what causes them?

  • Brown and black stains on the surface of the teeth can be caused by habitual smoking or drinking dark coloured beverages such as tea, coffee red wine and chocolate.
  • Green and orange stains on the surface of the teeth may be due to inadequate cleaning of the teeth and an accumulation of dental plaque contained bacteria or fungi
  • Teeth that appear greyish-blue to brownish-yellow may be due to sickness or antibiotic tetracycline taken during tooth development
  • Teeth that are greyish-black may be due to tooth decay or pulp necrosis
  • Brownish-yellow or white patches on the surface of the teeth may be signs of early tooth decay, due to a disturbance during the development of the teeth or fluorosis (long term excessive fluoride ingestion)

If you are suffering from stained teeth or teeth discolouration, learn what may cause it by reading our blog. #suffer #stainedteeth #stainedteethcauses

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